The Canadian healthcare system may demand waittimes for spinal surgery for months or years if emergency intervention is not required. This is a frustration for many patients and the spine surgeons. In the intervening time of pain that takes a patient to his or her physician who then refers him or her to a spine surgeon, many expensive tests like MRI are ordered which may reveal abnormalities that are not of that much consequence but distract the primary care doctor who sends the patient to a surgeon.
“As a screening tool for back pain,” Dr. [Hamilton] Hall said, “MRIs are worse than useless.” Amazingly, "$24-million [is spent] annually on unnecessary MRI and CT scans in Ontario alone."
He explains his frustration as a spine surgeon is seeing patients who don't need his care - which is like 90 out of every 100 patients with back pain. He wants patients who need surgery.
Chiropractic can benefit this problem. Chiropractic physicians can diagnose and treat the 90% of patients who don't need surgery and send the surgical patients to the spine surgeons. Plus chiropractic offers this care at a lower price without always needing the expensive imaging tests for care.
For more details on the Canadian situation, please see the article Canada's Costly Spine Surgeon Backlog. Consider these chiropractic documents that show chiropractic to be
less expensive than medical care (cost of treatment, hospitalization, compensation payments, lost workdays) -
effective in 29 days and 12 visits for low back pain -
40% less expensive when care for back pain is started with a chiropractor than a medical doctor -
Chiropractic has a place in healthcare to help patients and the cost of helping patients.
Consider The Cox Technic System of Spinal Pain Management for back pain relief. As a doctor, come to a Cox seminar to learn more. As a patient, consult with a local certified chiropractor for your back pain relief.
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