Cox® Technic
a discussion place for spinal pain management with Cox® Technic

Certified Doctors Invited to Present Cases at Part III Courses

January 19, 2012 01:20 by juliecoxcid

Calling all certified Cox Technic physicians! Consider presenting a case at Part III Cox Seminar when you come. It doesn't take that much to prepare a 10 minutes case. Snap a picture here and there of the xrays or MRIs with your digital camera, even the patient's spine if it's of interest. Share the history, examination and diagnosis. Describe your flexion distraction treatment and its clinical outcomes. It's fun! These cases are the most exciting part of the Part III weekends anymore!

Join Dr. Cox and Dr. Gudavalli (at most of them) and share your clinical experiences. Dr. Cox will give you all the latest spinal research publications that impact your practice and share a few cases of his own. But everyone knows he has cases. This is your chance to share your clinical cases.

Let Julie know if you are willing to do this. Send your powerpoint to her 3 weeks prior so she can make notes. Then just be ready to share at a Cox® chiropractic continuing education seminar!

Dates and registration are online. Contact Julie at if you have any questions!

Oh - 12 hours of CE credits are arranged with our co-sponsor, National University of Health Sciences PLUS you get recertification credit!

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