Cox® Technic
a discussion place for spinal pain management with Cox® Technic

Back to blogging..

August 16, 2013 09:11 by juliecoxcid

It's been over a year since I added anything to our Cox Technic blog. Time flies! Social media demands grow. Spinal research keeps coming. So here goes some sharing of spinal research that helps the back pain specialist who helps relieve back pain and neck pain in his or her patients. 

Depression slows patient recovery. That makes sense doesn't it? In this newly published article (Melloh M, Elfering A, Käser A, Salathé CR, Barz T, Aghayev E, Röder C, TheisJC. Depression impacts the course of recovery in patients with acute low-back pain. Behav Med. 2013;39(3):80-9. doi: 10.1080/08964289.2013.779566.), the researchers report that recovery is slower in depressive patients. Further, they report that depression is associated with low back pain especially after 6 weeks of pain. So take note of your patient's state of mind when you care for him or her. Co-manage it if necessary. Such extra care may well improve your low back pain clinical outcomes!



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