Cox® Technic
a discussion place for spinal pain management with Cox® Technic

Cox® Technic for Pregnancy Back Pain Relief

March 10, 2010 01:39 by juliecoxcid

Gudavalli, Kruse and Cambron reported on a case of a 26-year-old pregnant patient in her second trimester of pregnancy with severe pain in her lower back extending to her hips on both sides and to her right leg. She even felt tingling down her right lower leg to her foot. She reported relief of pain after the first treatment with Cox flexion-distraction decompression. Granted the application is a bit modified since she is pregnant, but she was comfortably accommodated by lying on her side on the Cox® Table while the doctor used the manual lateral flexion to allow flexion into the spine and flexion to allow lateral flexion. She reported being painfree and was documented as such using both objective and subjective tests after just 8 visits.

Click here for the abstract of the article.

Cox® Technic is gentle and effective care for the most delicate conditions like pregnancy and stenosis and disc herniation and older spines that want gentler care.

Cox® Technic is gentle and effective treatment for spinal pain conditions.

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