Cox® Technic
a discussion place for spinal pain management with Cox® Technic

Cox Technic’s “50% Rule” to Help Patients Regain Quality of Life

February 23, 2010 19:32 by juliecoxcid

50% is an excellent clinical outcome. Don’t believe it?  Just ask someone who can’t walk a block with their dog or go to the mall with a friend or sit with a spouse. If the back pain sufferer can do something simple like that again, it makes a huge difference in his or her quality of life. That’s what it comes down to…quality of life.  

Cox® Technic protocols hinge on the “50% Rule”. Physicians who apply Cox® Technic know that they are looking for a 50% relief of pain in 30 days. That relief of pain is measured usually by objective clinical tests the doctor performs and by subjective tests the patient supplies (VAS, Oswestry, Roland-Morris, other).  

When a patient is first seen in office, his/her condition may require daily visits. The patient may only be adjusted using Protocol I spinal manipulation procedures. The doctor will prescribe 3 basic exercises to stabilize the core and spine. The doctor will recommend at-home care like ice, hot/cold therapy, massage, etc. 

When 50% relief of pain is noted, the patient visits are reduced by 50%. Example: If a patient is seen daily, he or she is then seen every other day. If the patient is seen every other day, the visits would then be once every three days. 

When 50% relief of pain is noted, the doctor may choose to introduce Protocol 2 spinal manipulation procedures to the in-clinic care.  

When 50% relief of pain is noted, the full exercise program of 10 basic exercises is prescribed. This is important in moving the patient from passive care to active care, back to his or her activities of daily living. 

In the absence of progressive neurological deficits and cauda equina syndrome, the patient may even be treated without MRI and excessive tests. If, however, at the end of a month of care, the patient is not 50% relieved of pain, tests like MRI or CT or other could be ordered as well as a medical consultation with a neurosurgeon may be sought. 

Cox® Technic protocols are designed so that the patient can be assured that the Cox® certified physician will manage the case appropriately within the confines of the published technique  protocols and knows when to do more...or less

For more information on Cox® Technic protocols, please click here.

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