Cox® Technic
a discussion place for spinal pain management with Cox® Technic

Recertification in Cox Technic Flexion Distraction

June 6, 2014 15:38 by juliecoxcid

The referral directory of Cox Technic Flexion Distraction physicians has grown. But time passes too quickly, and certified Cox Technic doctors lose touch with us. Each seminar, though, brings new research and new excitement! The research is directly related to flexion distraction or interrelated to the care of the spine. 

So in this crazy-busy world we live, Cox Technic has arranged for some new options for re-certification:


  1. write a case report ("old")
  2. attend 12 hours of a Cox Seminar (Part I or II or III - NO TEST!) ("old")
  3. take and pass the quizzes for 12 ONLINE COURSES (some for CE; some not; some states take online CE; others don't, but we do for re-certification.)  (new!)
  4. take and pass the quizzes for 8 ONLINE COURSES plus attend a 4 HOURS HANDS-ON WORKSHOP  (new!
So don't become or stay "inactive"! Check out all the recertification options to make your education time productive and keep patients' outcomes high.


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