Cox® Technic
a discussion place for spinal pain management with Cox® Technic

New VIDEO - Cox Seminars

February 18, 2016 01:16 by juliecoxcid

A new video with snippets from Cox Seminars shares the content and intent of Cox Seminars for back pain specialists. Chiropractic physicians will appreciate the cutting edge information and research and applicability of the course content. Lead by experienced chiropractic physicians whose clinical practices involve the use of Cox Technic for neck pain and back pain and leg pain and arm pain relief, Cox Seminars are practical and filled with information applicable on Monday morning. Attendees experience flexion distraction protocols as the "doctor" and the "patient" in practical, hands-on sessions.  Check out the video. Check out the calendar of courses. Choose a course, and join us for a weekend to enhance your clinical practice enthusiasm as well as your enthusiasm for chiropractic!

"This program includes excellent use of evidence to not justify but to determine procedures to achieve the most effective, safest clinical outcomes possible." – Chelsea Drda DC


Click here for the video

"If you truly want to know why we treat patients, why this treatment can help patients and how to progress the profession in the future, come to a Cox Seminar." – Vincent Pankonin DC

Contact Cox Technic for more information

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Cox Technic - It's not just for low back! It's for CERVICAL SPINE, too!

March 10, 2015 14:15 by juliecoxcid

DC 1: "Flexion distraction. Yeah, I do that. It works great for low back pain and disc herniations."

DC 2: "Have you used flexion distraction for neck pain and arm pain? Cervical spine conditions?"

DC 1: "No. I didn't know it was for that."

DC 2: "The research is amazing, and the technique is so gentle!

Yes, Cox Technic flexion distraction for cervical spine conditions was introduced in 1991 (thanks to Dr. Cox's wife whose C5-6 disc herniation made him venture beyond his beloved L5-S1!). Since then, clinical cases have been published, federally funded studies (both clinical comparison and biomechanical) have been completed, and colleagues have shared their treatment skills with each other formally in workshops and informally in clinics. The Cox Table has also evolved from unwieldy and awkward occipital cups/ropes to simpler long-y axis and straps.

Check out just what Cox Technic flexion distraction offers cervical spine pain patients and their neck pain and arm pain! Then register for a seminar or workshop to learn more.



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"I heard Dr. Cox 30 years ago..."

November 18, 2014 18:07 by juliecoxcid

Dr. James Cox had the privilege to present to the 700+ attendees at the ANJC Fall Summit in East Brunswick NJ this past weekend. As he always does, he passionately shares his love of chiropractic and of the research and science behind its art of healing and pain relief. He loves to share his clinical experience over teh past 51 years. At the ANJC, I heard more doctors come up to me and say "I heard your dad / Dr. Cox speak 30 years ago!" While that is awesome, I am so glad they came to hear him again!!! His passion for chiropractic and its science and its art is amazing, and the stories that come after this conversation starter are always interesting. Those are for another blog post...

I have worked with Dad (Dr. Cox) for 22 years. In 22 years, so much has changed and evolved. I was hired to write a newsletter for him and the technique. Today, I get to talk to doctors from around the globe who share their personal patient success stories (which I wish I could get them all to write for me to share with all of you!) and plan training seminars and support our teaching team and coordinate clinicians who want to do research with researchers and connect patients (who are often at the end of their ropes) who need back pain and neck pain relief with Cox Technic certified physicians who can deliver that relief. 

Further, during these 22 years, I have likely sat in over 400 presentations with Dr. Cox and/or other members of our instruction team (Drs. Greenwood, Hazen, Joachim, Kruse, Olding et al). I learn something new at every single course. I hear a new insight or application of a protocol. I hear a new struggle or a new success. I have been on the scene when Dr. Gudavalli has announced reception of a new grant from NIH or HRSA or FCER (when it was in operation) or that a paper about flexion distraction (teaching tools or biomechanical research outcomes or clinical comparison study) is accepted for publication or that he is invited to present flexion distraction to fellow biomechanical engineers and/or chiropractors at conferences in places like Sydney, Dubai, Portugal, California, etc. I am able to watch new doctors to the technique grow in excitement and passion during the course of a seminar. I am honored to hear their stories throughout the course, their personal struggles with back pain and neck pain or those of a loved one, their professional uncertainty as to whether to keep practicing or retire, their journey for finding a better way to help their patients.

What a privilege it's been to be a part of all this excitement that often goes on behind the scenes yet is only known by a few. So thank you to everyone who gives Dr. Cox a second chance - even if it's 30 years later - to share his passion for chiropractic, its science and its art, its research and its clinical application. And I am so glad that you get that chance as he is my dad, and I am so honored to still have him in my life these 30 years, 40 years, almost (!) 50 years. 

I look forward to seeing you at a seminar or lunchtime LIVE webinar or hands-on workshop and hearing your story of hearing Dad teach you 30 years ago (or 2 years ago or 2 months ago!). I am confident you will hear something new to inspire you and your enthusiasm for your chiropractic practice and profession!

- Julie Cox-Cid 

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$500 Credit Toward a Seminar with Purchase of Cox8 Table

June 4, 2014 10:56 by juliecoxcid

Haven Innovation recognizes that a tool is only as good as its user, an instrument is only as efficient as its handler. So Haven Innovation is offering a $500 credit toward the July 17-20, 2014 Cox Certification Seminar.

The purchasing physician may attend all 4 days, all 32 hours or just a day or two for as many hours as he or she wants. At the Cox Seminar in July 2014, physicians get a mix of didactics (biomechanics, anatomy, examination, diagnosis, clinical outcomes as documented in the medical literature for spinal care) as well as hands-on practice in small groups with dedicated hands-on instructors. Dr. James Cox leads Part II of the weekend on discogenic conditions while Dr. George Joachim and Dr. Ralph Kruse lead the didactics of Part I on the non-discogenic conditions. Hands-on is lead by Drs. Kruse, Joachim and Olding so that everyone gets to practice and experience the technique as performed on the Cox8 Table by Haven Innovation. Dr. Ram Gudavalli, principal investigator of flexion distraction research projects, will also be on hand with the pressure transducer to give objective feedback of your application of Cox Technic protocols on The Cox8 Table. 

So consider The Cox8 Table for your practice.

Check out the special financing rates NCMIC is offering. (Contact Emily Blair.) 

Get $500 credit toward a Cox Seminar (Part I or II or III) to hone your skills in applying Cox Technic flexion distraction.

Put July 17-20, 2014 on your schedule so you don't miss it! 


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Cox Seminars Teach Evidence Based Protocols

March 21, 2012 16:34 by juliecoxcid

European Spine Journal. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. Journal of Chiropractic Medicine. Osteopathy and Chiropractic. Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Topics in Clinical Chiropractic.

Cox Technic Flexion Distraction protocols are safe and well-studiedpublished and ready for duplication and application in your practice as well as scrutiny in the literature. Chiropractic journals offer much to the chiropractic profession to share what it does, the research behind it, the documentation of its results.

Cox Technic for nearly half a century under the influence of Dr. James Cox, its developer, is researched and documented. Chiropractors are encouraged to publish their outcomes with Cox Technic spinal manipulation. Researchers are awarded federal and other grant funds to study the biomechanics and clinical aspects of Cox Technic. Loyola Stritch School of Medicine's Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Laboratory is even involved. 

It's important then to offer an outlet to all physicians to hear first hand the outcomes and published clinical findings as well as experience and finetune the proper application of the evidence-based protocols so that the clinical outcomes may be similar across the board.

So Cox Seminars are the outlets for this sharing of technique and research for clinical application. Join a Cox Seminar in Orlando (March 24-25), Toronto (April 21-22) or Portland ME (May 5-6) to get the support you desire for your chiropractic practice. Taught by clinicians who use Cox Technic day in and day out in their practices and who participate in clinical and federally funded research who talk to you in daily practice language, Cox Seminars are practical, exciting you for your Monday morning practice.

Register for a course today. Or contact us by phone (800-441-5571) or email. We look forward to seeing you!

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What's With Cox Technic? Why Do I Need to Use It In Practice?

February 8, 2012 06:19 by juliecoxcid

A logical question for any doctor to ask who is looking to incorporate a new protocol into his or her clinical practice. In fact, it should be asked of anything new. Where's the research? Where's the evidence? Where's the support? Cox Technic for spinal pain relief (back pain, neck pain, arm pain, leg pain, disc related and non-disc related) invites such inquiry.

Cox Technic under its developer, Dr. James M. Cox, has come far in its nearly 50 years to gather the answers and has very talented researchers (chiropractic and medical and biomechanist PhDs from Hines VA, Loyola Stritch School of Medicine, Palmer Research, Univ of Iowa and others), instructors and physicians taking it forward. Comments from the physicians, the back pain specialists, who use and have taken training courses in Cox Technic best answer the posed question of "What's With Cox Technic?" Here are a few:

  • "I must say, I am so glad I made this transition to using the Cox technique.  In only a few months I don't know how I would practice without it anymore.  I have already had patients that I have treated for YEARS with typical diversified technique that just accepted that they were never going to get relief from their lower back pain and with only a couple of treatments with the Cox protocol they are seeing significant improvements.  With other cases where you have a rather large patient, doing a side posture adjustment was impossible.  Using an Activator or similar adjusting tool was a joke and Thompson drops were minimally valuable.  With my new Cox 8 table, it is so easy to counter balance their weight and treat their lower back joints and disc injuries with absolute ease.  I no longer have to cringe when I see them walk in the door.  On another note, now that I have the capability of doing cervical decompression techniques that has also opened up a whole new world of options.  I have a patient that has been diagnosed with something called IBM or Inclusion Body Myositis.  Personally, before him, I had never heard of it before.  It reminds you a lot of MS.  Anyway, this patient was quickly losing function of his arms.  I had worked with him over the past year using cold laser techniques which did help some.  His neurologist insisted that he go see a PT and undergo 6-8 weeks of rehab exercises.  Well, the patient came back after two visits of PT and said that they had dismissed him and said that there was nothing they could do for him.  About this time I got my Cox table and just for the hell of it I decided to add the cervical Cox protocol to his treatment plan.  I must tell you to my absolute amazement, we have made more progress in a hand full of visits then we had made all last year.  I still use the laser techniques, but combined with the Cox it has been amazing.  The strength that is returning in his arms was totally unexpected.  I often joke with him and remind him that "there is nothing that can be done to help him"!  I know I have a lot to learn yet, but I truly appreciate all the work your father has put into this technique.  Since I've been out of school, which has been about 17 years now, this is the first thing that I can honestly say has made me feel proud to be a chiropractor.  I wish I had met your father [[Dr. Cox]] sooner!" Dr. C.J. Valenti (email  1/27/12 certified at Part II in 11/11)
  • "The research strongly supports the technique and the data/material are convincing/comprehensive for the public and healthcare providers of other disciplines." - Part I, San Francisco, 1/12
  • "Leander 'pumping the well' is not Cox [Technic]." - Part I, San Francisco, 1/12
  •  "Dr. Cox has connected the dots." He has taken a lot of research from different fields of practice and organized them for us practitioners. The information and data from all the studies were well organized and just opened my eyes. I could immediately identify many patients I treat. By the way, that quote was my patient's! and (2) Dr. Cox has built a very impressive research foundation where the researchers sought him and his technique. He piqued their curiosity based on his work and not marketing." - Part I, San Francisco, 1/12

Cox Technic is more than just a technique. It's a SYSTEM of understanding the biomechanics thoroughly enough to examine and diagnose a patient's condition and set the proper treatment plan for pain relief. Cox Technic pulls it all together, and Cox Seminars are the best places to learn more. 

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Certified Doctors Invited to Present Cases at Part III Courses

January 19, 2012 01:20 by juliecoxcid

Calling all certified Cox Technic physicians! Consider presenting a case at Part III Cox Seminar when you come. It doesn't take that much to prepare a 10 minutes case. Snap a picture here and there of the xrays or MRIs with your digital camera, even the patient's spine if it's of interest. Share the history, examination and diagnosis. Describe your flexion distraction treatment and its clinical outcomes. It's fun! These cases are the most exciting part of the Part III weekends anymore!

Join Dr. Cox and Dr. Gudavalli (at most of them) and share your clinical experiences. Dr. Cox will give you all the latest spinal research publications that impact your practice and share a few cases of his own. But everyone knows he has cases. This is your chance to share your clinical cases.

Let Julie know if you are willing to do this. Send your powerpoint to her 3 weeks prior so she can make notes. Then just be ready to share at a Cox® chiropractic continuing education seminar!

Dates and registration are online. Contact Julie at if you have any questions!

Oh - 12 hours of CE credits are arranged with our co-sponsor, National University of Health Sciences PLUS you get recertification credit!

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Cox Seminar in San Francisco January 21-22, 2012

January 18, 2012 20:52 by juliecoxcid

Join the Part I Cox Seminar, the first course in the certification series, on January 21-22, 2012. San Francisco will be home for a couple days, and Dr. Ralph Kruse will lead the didactic and hands-on instruction. You will appreciate the thorough review of biomechanics and anatomy, enjoy the nutritional aspects of spine pain, and be enthused to participate in hands-on flexion distraction training as both a "patient" and doctor.

Cox Seminars offer much in the basics of spinal pain understanding from today's options of surgery, non-surgical and the research studies to support them. The federally funded research behind Cox Technic supporting its science and evidence-based reputation are presented.

Haven Innovation is sending a brand new Cox Table Model 8 for us to use, too!

So join us in San Francisco for 12 hours of continuing education that you will be excited to apply in practice. Click here for more information and here to register.

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LIVE Webinar on January 25 with Treatment Demonstration

January 18, 2012 19:36 by juliecoxcid
Dr. James Cox hosts this  webinar from his personal home-office which is equipped with The Cox Table to demonstrate treatment as well as share slides via his computer. Focusing in cervical spine, Dr. Cox will show flexion distraction care of conditions like headache, degenerative disc disease, Klippel Feil syndrome, nutrition, mechanisms of anular failure, and multifidees muscles will be shared this time. In just an hour, you will come away ready to treat cervical spine pain conditions like never before!
Register online now. $30 attendee or $22.50 for CTC subscribers. You will receive instructions and your personal password on how to join this live webinar one hour before it starts.
date:January 25, 2012
day: Wednesday
time: 12:30pm-1:30pm Eastern Standard Time
We look forward to your joining this live webinar. If you want to see past webinars at your leisure, please see your choices for recorded webinars.

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NYCC Weekend with Dr. James Cox: Specializing in Back Pain Relief with Spinal Manipulation

October 24, 2011 23:18 by juliecoxcid

New York College of Chiropractic graciously hosted 12 hours of chiropractic continuing education with Dr. James Cox for those chiropractic physicians who chose to come learn more about chiropractic spinal manipulation and chiropractic spinal care.

Dr. Cox highlighted clinical patient cases to start. Sharing details of the history, treatment plan and outcome intertwined with the latest in published medical research findings, Dr. Cox laid the foundation for the benefits of being a chiropractic back pain specialist, so called for in today's healthcare system.

Report after report, Dr. Cox shared details of the public's trust in chiropractic for musculoskeletal issues as well as chiropractic's success in dealing with them.

The NYCC chiropractic continuing education weekend of 12 hours went by so quickly!

For a calendar of future Cox Seminars discussing how to be a back pain specialist in your community, click here for a list of up-coming courses.

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