Cox® Technic
a discussion place for spinal pain management with Cox® Technic

Blog #6 - What Is Cox® Flexion Distraction Decompression Spinal Manipulation?

March 9, 2016 07:16 by jamesmcoxdcdacbr

Cox Technic Flexion Distraction Decompression Spinal Manipulation is evidence-based spinal care, a form of spinal manipulation in which the human spine is placed in distraction (a type of measured controlled traction of the spine) delivered on a specialized spinal manipulation instrument. The Cox Table is the well-designed instrument of choice.

Five specific changes in spine mechanics occur in the intervertebral disc and nerve openings with this procedure (1):

  1. The height of the intervertebral disc is increased.
  2. The size of the nerve opening which is called the intervertebral foramen is increased up to 28% in area.
  3. The pressure within the intervertebral disc which is created by the fluid within the disc is reduced from a positive pressure to a negative pressure gradient. This aids in dropping the pressure on the pain sensitive nerves within the disc and the pressure on the nerve which lies behind the disc which causes sciatic or leg pain when compressed over 20 mm of mercury pressure.
  4. The movements of the spine are restored. A specific spinal vertebral level (consisting of the intervertebral disc and the moveable joints lying behind the disc) is placing into its normal physiological ranges of motion. Remember that loss of spinal mobility is a part of back pain whether it be acute or chronic. Restoring normal spinal mobility offers improved activities of daily living and diminishing spinal stress that causes back pain.
  5. Nervous system tracts of nerves from the spine to the human brain are stimulated when spinal manipulation is administered. These nerve tracts respond to touch, motion, temperature, and pressure to initiate nerve reflexes that relieve pain and allow for normal spinal motion. Such nerve tracts can also affect balance and equilibrium that are so often affected with spinal pain.

The goal of Cox® distraction spinal manipulation is summarized as follows: Attain and maintain physiological range of spine motion with the greatest relief of pain. It is also vital to note that some spinal conditions are not cured, that is to say all the pain is relieved and the person can do any activity without pain recurrence. NO, some spinal conditions that are congenital (born with) or acquired from injury or degenerative spine changes are controlled not cured. In such cases it is important that the patient follow the training given by the chiropractor concerning proper ergonomics (how to move, bend, lift, twist the spine) to avoid pain, perform the specific exercise program developed for your spine condition, and in many cases have dedicated times for undergoing Cox® distraction spinal manipulation so as to maintain relief. Cox Flexion Distraction may well be a beneficial alternative to back surgery for back pain patients.

Respectively submitted,

James M. Cox, DC, DACBR


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Cox Webinar Features Treatment Demonstration for ICD-10 Code Disc Classifications

October 23, 2015 14:10 by juliecoxcid

Join Dr. James Cox for this special hands-on demonstration webinar of live treatment protocol demonstration as the protocols relate to the ICD-10 code classifications. You may also ask questions throughout!

October 28, 2015

12:30pm EST


Register now! 

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Cox Technic - It's not just for low back! It's for CERVICAL SPINE, too!

March 10, 2015 14:15 by juliecoxcid

DC 1: "Flexion distraction. Yeah, I do that. It works great for low back pain and disc herniations."

DC 2: "Have you used flexion distraction for neck pain and arm pain? Cervical spine conditions?"

DC 1: "No. I didn't know it was for that."

DC 2: "The research is amazing, and the technique is so gentle!

Yes, Cox Technic flexion distraction for cervical spine conditions was introduced in 1991 (thanks to Dr. Cox's wife whose C5-6 disc herniation made him venture beyond his beloved L5-S1!). Since then, clinical cases have been published, federally funded studies (both clinical comparison and biomechanical) have been completed, and colleagues have shared their treatment skills with each other formally in workshops and informally in clinics. The Cox Table has also evolved from unwieldy and awkward occipital cups/ropes to simpler long-y axis and straps.

Check out just what Cox Technic flexion distraction offers cervical spine pain patients and their neck pain and arm pain! Then register for a seminar or workshop to learn more.



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Video of Cox Technic - It's For More than Just Low Back Pain!

February 16, 2015 23:03 by juliecoxcid

Dr. James Cox well developed Cox® Technic's reputation for managing low back pain and sciatica. Most everyone who uses it says they'd turn to flexion distraction to manage low back pain and leg pain and disc herniation. But the evolution of Cox Technic to caring for the other regions of the spine has grown! Flexion Distraction Cox® Technic for cervical spine disc herniations and disc degeneration and headache and arm pain is well researched biomechanically and clinically. Its research progresses with federal funding via NIH and HRSA chiropractic research grants at NUHS and Palmer Research with Loyola Stritch School of Medicine/Hines VA Hospital and others like University of Iowa and University of Illinois. It's so exciting!

Check out this video that just shows snippets of lumbar spine flexion distraction application (It will look so familiar!) as well as cervical spine treatment (on The Cox8 Table) and side-lying treatment for pregnant patients (so comfortable and effective!) as well as patients who are in too much pain to  lie on their stomaches. 

Cox Technic is most effective biomechanically and clinically for lumbar spine back pain conditions. Check out what it offers the cervical spine related neck and arm pain conditions, the "newest" application of Cox Technic since 1991. Check out this video.

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$500 Credit Toward a Seminar with Purchase of Cox8 Table

June 4, 2014 10:56 by juliecoxcid

Haven Innovation recognizes that a tool is only as good as its user, an instrument is only as efficient as its handler. So Haven Innovation is offering a $500 credit toward the July 17-20, 2014 Cox Certification Seminar.

The purchasing physician may attend all 4 days, all 32 hours or just a day or two for as many hours as he or she wants. At the Cox Seminar in July 2014, physicians get a mix of didactics (biomechanics, anatomy, examination, diagnosis, clinical outcomes as documented in the medical literature for spinal care) as well as hands-on practice in small groups with dedicated hands-on instructors. Dr. James Cox leads Part II of the weekend on discogenic conditions while Dr. George Joachim and Dr. Ralph Kruse lead the didactics of Part I on the non-discogenic conditions. Hands-on is lead by Drs. Kruse, Joachim and Olding so that everyone gets to practice and experience the technique as performed on the Cox8 Table by Haven Innovation. Dr. Ram Gudavalli, principal investigator of flexion distraction research projects, will also be on hand with the pressure transducer to give objective feedback of your application of Cox Technic protocols on The Cox8 Table. 

So consider The Cox8 Table for your practice.

Check out the special financing rates NCMIC is offering. (Contact Emily Blair.) 

Get $500 credit toward a Cox Seminar (Part I or II or III) to hone your skills in applying Cox Technic flexion distraction.

Put July 17-20, 2014 on your schedule so you don't miss it! 


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Chiropractic Recorded Course: Cases & Treatment with Cox Technic Flexion Distraction

August 19, 2013 14:11 by juliecoxcid

Dr. James Cox presented a webinar that included cases from his clinical practice and demonstration of their treatment on The Cox8 Table by Haven Innovation:


  • degenerative scoliosis with osteoporosis
  • compression fracture care and options
  • disc herniation, spianl stenosis
  • disc extrusion


It's always a comfort for both the doctor and the back pain patient to see that other doctors and patients have successfully dealt with the same condition or combination of conditions successfully for relief of pain. Dr. Cox shares the history, examination findings, imaging, diagnosis, treatment and ancillary care (exercise, nutrition, belt, electrical stimulation, hot/cold therapy, etc.)

In a practical way, Dr. Cox shows that these cases come into the chiropractor's office seeking relief and can get it.

The recording is now available of this presentation of 4 cases. Click here to register. You will receive personal log-in instructions and codes to watch the recording on your own time, computer and pace. 

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Boston Cox Seminar A Success

July 27, 2011 10:52 by juliecoxcid

Twenty-two chiropractic doctors and students joined at the beautiful Hyatt Boston Harborside Hotel for a weekend of hands-on and academic experience. Lead by Dr. Ralph Kruse, the doctors from Norway to Illinois to Connecticut to Canada heard about the history of Cox Technic, saw videotaped cases of Dr. James Cox, the developer of Cox Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression spinal manipulation, applying Cox Technic protocols from the spinal manipulation to ancillary therapies and exercise, gained insights into the biomechanics of flexion distraction based on federally funded HRSA grant studies and the clinical outcomes of flexion distraction, and felt how the proper application of Cox Technic should feel as both the doctor and patient. Always an amazing finding is how small the motion is to get the desired effect. One to 2 inches of motion from the treatment starting point is all it takes. There is no need or desire for 16° of flexion when applying flexion distraction properly. Further, dropping intradiscal pressures on the DRG is important. Pain is when there is more than 20mm of pressure on the DRG nerves according to Takahashi.

You get the latest research presented in concise form, as well as individual hands-on with the technique that is invaluable. When’s the last time a seminar day flew by? Good stuff.”

– Boston Part I (7/11) attendee comment on evaluation form

So consider joining the next Cox Technic Part I Certification Course in San Diego on September 9-10, 2011. You’ll be amazed at today’s 21st century, gentle, evidence-based, effective clinical protocols of Cox Technic that have evolved since you took it in school or heard about it from a colleague!

Check the website for more information on Cox Technic and on the seminars we offer. Then, contact us with any questions.

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New Video About Cox Technic

July 11, 2011 08:06 by juliecoxcid

Just posted to the website and on YouTube, a new video about Cox Technic Flexion Distraction and Decompression with its developer, Dr. James Cox, is ready. Highlighting a demonstration of the proper protocols of Cox Technic, the video also emphasizes the research, the educational opportunities to learn more about it for doctors and patients, the tools availables to enhance the use of flexion distraction as well as the referral directory to certified Cox Technic physicians.

Check out the video today!

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Used Flexion Distraction Tables

April 11, 2011 13:14 by juliecoxcid

We get requests for used Flexion Distraction tables from doctors and requests to sell used flexion distraction tables. If a doctor wants to sell a used flexion distraction table to upgrade to The Cox Table by Haven Innovation or just make room in the office, there is surely a buyer for the used flexion distraction table. 

Cox Technic affiliated personnel and companies are not party to these transactions, but as a service offers a listing services for used flexion distraction tables.

Please check out the listing of USED FLEXION DISTRACTION TABLES we know of at All sales are independent between buyer and seller.

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Year End Tax Planning

December 1, 2010 17:33 by juliecoxcid

It's tough this year without knowing what Congress will decide about taxes, but Kiplinger's offers some advice on business tax purchases. Deduct 50% of the purchase right now instead of depreciating it all over time.

Section 179 Business Tax Deduction can help too.  The full price of the financed or leased equipment is eligible within limits. For example, Section 179 on a $17,200 equipment purchase can save $6020.

Equipment for the practice may be in order? Check for information on The Cox® Table.

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