Why would I tell a patient to "Own your spine. Own your spine pain."? It's the only one he's/she's got! Where is this bluntness coming from? Well, it’s one of those days. A talk with a patient who wants
the fix for back pain NOW got my head spinning. I want to share all I know with
the patient, assure him that all will be well beyond this pain episode, that if
he just embraces his spine for what it can do, all will be well. But pain gets
in the way. I get it. Pain turns our rose colored glasses to gray ones in moments
like this. Yet reality intervenes with truth, truth that we all must own our
own spine as well as its pain on occasion.
This is what I’d
like to share with my patient...
So why must we face this reality? Let’s look at it.
For many with spine pain (neck, mid back or low back with
or without arm and leg pain or headache), there is no cure for the spinal condition,
only control of pain with proper daily living habits. Let’s consider some facts…
Let’s start with genetics.
You may be born with a spinal condition that will never by “normal”. Such
conditions have big names like spondylolisthesis, transitional vertebra in
which one has 4 or 6 lumbar vertebrae instead of 5, scoliosis, fused or
incompletely formed vertebrae. These conditions will always be yours to contend
with. No one can remake your spine. Like a bruise on an apple that remains on
the apple, the spine is still whole even after attempts to remake it, but it
remembers what was done.
Same with life experiences the spine goes through. Let’s
take aging. Amazingly, the human spine normally begins to degenerate in the
second decade of life, in the teen years. Some people have greater disc
degeneration than others. However, if one is deconditioned, that is, out of
good physical shape, and then does lifting, bending and twisting with such a
compromised spine, the scene is set for back pain. Most of us develop some
spine pain early in life, and the pain recedes often with no treatment. Then we
continue the same lifestyle of eating too much, lifting heavy weight in the
wrong posture to lift, etc., our spines
then continue to degenerate while we do nothing or very little to maintain good
health. Then, later in life, we develop more severe spine and extremity pain
and think something can be done to allow us to continue this lifestyle without
change. Some even think surgery will reverse all their problems only to find it
can make them worse.
Let’s next consider injury
from falls, lifting heavy weight, car wrecks, etc.
Now if you have a spine that may have developed in a
weakened state - the body of a patient deconditioned - and then add injury to
it, pain results. Now, if you are such a person and you develop pain in the
back or extremities or headaches and go to a doctor expecting some form of
care to relieve this pain, hopefully a pill, surgery, exercise, nutritional supplement or spinal
manipulation, you want it quickly so you can return to what you were doing and have the pain not return. So many factors play into the equation for injury (even for work injuries - is it alway entirely the job's fault for a work injury?): genetics, lifestyle, physical condition, life choices in deciding how
to use the body to avoid injury or pain may come into play.
DO YOU SEE THE FOLLY OF THIS ATTITUDE? There is no cure for many spine problems,
only control through maintaining a healthy body, learning what you can and
cannot do, exercise, visiting the chiropractor for spinal alignment, spinal decompression, spinal manipulation, and
conditioning, and supplementing with nutrition to develop and maintain healthy
discs in the spine. A person with a weak
spine cannot expect to nevertheless do anything with that spine that he or she
wants without a pain consequence forever.
That is like asking a diabetic person to eat a box of chocolates and not
be adversely harmed.
OWN IT. There is
no way for you to make a race horse out of a pony. Be content with what you
have, and make it work. Appreciate your spine as it is. You may not like these
facts, but can you change them? No. Own your spine, and allow it to perform at
its peak performance for you and your lifestyle. That requires honest
realization of your limitations and living with them while being in the best
physical health you can attain. YOU ARE THE ONE WITH THE MOST TO GAIN. The
chiropractor is your back pain specialist, your treating doctor, coach, cheerleader, and guide. Work with
the trained and even certified in Cox Technic chiropractic physician who uses flexion distraction to maximize your spine’s usefulness and ability!
Respectfully submitted, James M. Cox, DC, DACBR, FICC, HonDLitt, FACO(H)
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